Figuring out what I'm going to research has been challenging.
What's the question...
How will it be framed...
What's your epistemological stance...
What might the methodology be...
And how are you going to measure....
It all starts with the question, though. And that's where I've been spending the last several months, trying to wrap my head around - WHAT IS THE QUESTION!?!
While I'm still fumbling around with this, I did manage to create a video project that talks about some of the ideas I've been surfacing in the literature. My literature review (next big project to tackle) has been helpful but I'm still struggling with what I call, "my directional flow". It's easy to get lost and turned upside down in all of the hunting, sorting, reading and saving.

It's a lot like getting tumbled by a big wave and losing your compass for a few seconds. Where your feet once were, is now where your head might be. The sense of "upness" has gone right out the window and your begin to panic as you think you might not find the surface. Right now, I'm coming out of that tumble.
While I haven't settled on my exact question, I'm closer now than I was a few weeks ago when panic was setting in and I thought maybe I should hang up my doctoral hat. I'm working through the process, as challenging as that might be. I'm also realizing that this doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be good enough and done. A done dissertation is a good dissertation, as one of my friends stated.
So the question...it's coming a long and I hope to share more as I have time and energy.
Cheers -